See the weekly First Things First newsletter for a message from Pastor Angel and more information on upcoming activities.
To submit an announcement for First Things First, please send it to the Pastor via email no later than the Thursday prior to the week you want your announcement made.
Sign up to receive the First Things First newsletter by email each week.
Monday, October 7th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- Helping Hands Monday Meal every Monday at noon. For more info or to volunteer see Kathleen Mirtoni or Eleanor Kenitzer.
-- Stewardship Team 6:30 PM Zoom
Tuesday, October 8th:
-- Lay Leaders' Meeting - 11:15 AM Meeting Room.
-- Fundraising Team Meeting - 6:30 PM Zoom.
Wednesday, October 9th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- United Women in Faith - Noon Meeting Room
-- Evening Prayer Service - 6:00 PM Zoom
Thursday, October 10th:
-- Holy Grounds Lectionary Study - 8 AM Fig Tree Coffee, 217 Vernon St Bring your Bible and join the conversation! We will be reviewing Mark 10:17-31.
Saturday, October 12th:
-- Monthly Recycle Fundraiser - 10-11 AM Church Parking Lot
Sunday, October 13th:
-- Worship and Children's Church - 10:15 AM Backman Hall. Refreshments to follow in Heritage Chapel.
Zoom meeting login:
Meeting ID ; 908 490 8254 Password: 5zRiqk
United Women in Faith (UWF) Meeting: Wednesday, October 9 at Noon in the Meeting Room. Nancy Bray will present the Pledge to Mission Service 2025 from the Program Resource Book. All are welcome to bring a sack lunch and a friend.
Families - Children's Church launches October 13: We will be offering Children's Church for children up to age 12 on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month starting on October 13. We will be exploring the theme of compassion through interactive stories from the New Testament. The curriculum is titled Illustrated Compassion - Learning to Love Like God.
Pastor's Book Club returns October 15: Join Pastor Angel on Tuesdays starting 10/15 at 6 PM in Heritage Chapel and Zoom to discuss Howard Thurman's Jesus and the Disinherited.
Not Quite Holiday Fair: Saturday October 19, 9 AM to 2 PM. Backman Hall. Handmade Crafts & Gifts. For more info see Dave or Ruth Ann or view the poster on the Events page, see button below.
Join us for Trunk-or-Treat at First Church: Thursday, October 31, 4:30-7:00 PM, Church Parking Lot. Let us provide a safe environment for our neighborhood kids to celebrate Halloween. We will decorate our trunks and fill them with candy for the trick-or-treaters. Sign up sheet is in Backman Hall or you can speak to Eleanor. If you're unable to attend, we will welcome donations of individually wrapped candy.
Restore, Reinvest, Rejoice Capital Campaign: We are making necessary repairs and restorations to our building and reinvesting their cost into our endowment for future use. Together, we can rejoice in God's working through First Church. Pledge cards are available in the Sanctuary. If you have any questions, please contact Dave, Thom, or Eleanor.
Help the Gathering Inn recover from the recent arson fire: There will be a collection table in Backman Hall during coffee hour on Sundays where you can leave items from their needs list. The list is available on the Get Involved/Help Our Neighbors webpage, see the button below.
Join the Sanctuary Choir: Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Our choir would love to have new members come and worship with us through our music. We especially need altos and basses. Rehearsals are every Sunday at 8:30 AM and we sing during the service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
California-Nevada Conference's UWF Annual Celebration Saturday, October 19 at Marysville First UMC. Registration deadline is October 4 and the cost is $25. Jenna McKaye, a survivor of human trafficking with an incredible story, will be the speaker. Contact Nancy William for more information and a registration form.
Conference-Wide Installation Service for Bishop Sandra Olewine: Sunday, October 20, 4 PM. at Loomis First UMC (6414 Brace Road, Loomis). Livestream to YouTube will also be available.
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