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Support LA fire relief efforts - see our Get Involved page
See the weekly First Things First newsletter for a message from Pastor Angel and more information on upcoming activities.
To submit an announcement for First Things First, please send it to the Pastor via email no later than the Thursday prior to the week you want your announcement made.
Sign up to receive the First Things First newsletter by email each week.
Monday, February 10th:
-- Helping Hands Monday Meal every Monday at noon. For more info or to volunteer see Kathleen Mirtoni or Eleanor Kenitzer.
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
Tuesday, February 11th:
-- Lay Leader's Meeting 11:15 AM Meeting Room
-- Class on United Methodism - 6:00 PM Zoom
Wednesday, February 12th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- United Women in Faith - 10:00 AM Meeting Room
-- Evening Prayer Service 6:00 PM Zoom
Thursday, February 13th:
-- Holy Grounds Lectionary Study 8:00 AM Fig Tree Coffee. Bring your Bible and join in the conversation! This week's passage is Luke 6:17-26.
-- Spanish Language Class - 9:30 AM Meeting Room
Sunday, February 16th:
-- Worship with Sanctuary Choir - 10:15 AM Sanctuary. Fellowship and Refreshments to follow in Backman Hall.
Zoom meeting login:
Meeting ID ; 908 490 8254 Password: 5zRiqk
Zoom Class on United Methodism: Want to (re)discover what it means to be a Christian in the United Methodist way? Pastor Angel will lead a 6-week Zoom discussion class using the book Being United Methodist Christians: Living a Life of Grace and Hope, Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom starting on February 4th.
Printed Scriptures Available on Sunday: We will have a few copies of the Sunday scripture readings printed with large text available at the rear of the Sanctuary. This is to help those in our congregation who may have difficult hearing the scripture read aloud.
From our UMC Connection - Solidarity with the Sojourner: Understanding U.S. Immigration and Our Call to Respond Webinar - Monday, February 10 at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. “This webinar will provide an in-depth overview of the current U.S. immigration landscape and explore the challenges immigrant communities face and the policies shaping their lives,” explains Rev. Kendal McBroom, General Board of Church and Society’s Director of Civil Human Rights, one of the speakers for the event. “Together, we will reflect on our faith’s call to action and discuss practical ways United Methodists can respond.” Register at
United Women in Faith Gathering - Wednesday, February 12, 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting Room. Chris Handley will present the program, "Nutrition: Relationship to Self." All are welcome. Bring a snack and a friend.
Passionate about Justice? Want to put your faith into action? Join our new Faith in Action Team after worship on Sunday, Feb. 16 in Heritage Chapel. This will be a time to share and to organize the church's efforts for acts of service, justice, and solidarity. All are welcome! Want more info? See Kathleen Mirtoni or Pastor Angel.
Receiving of New Members on Sunday, February 23: If you would like to make First Church your spiritual home by becoming a member, please reach out to Pastor Angel to be included in this special day of belonging.
The next Children's Church will be on Sunday, February 23. Don't miss out!
Young Adult Fellowship - (Belated) Pal-entine's Game Night: Sunday, February 23 at 6:00 p.m. Our 20's/30's gathering for games, snacks, and community. For more information, reach out to Pastor Angel.
Save the Date -- Pancakes with the Pastor: Tuesday, March 4 at 12:00 p.m. in Backman Hall. Celebrate 'Fat Tuesday' with Pastor Angel with pancakes and a few rounds of silly Bingo. Tickets are $15.00 which includes a meal and one Bingo card. Tickets will go on sale in the new few weeks. For more info, see Dave Sechrist or Ruth Ann Baker.
"Sock it to 'em" Socks & Jackets Collection: Help us keep our co There are two online forums to learn how we can stand in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors.mmunity warm this winter. We are accepting donations of new socks and new/gently used jackets to give out during our Monday Meal.
From the Church Historian: Phoebe Astill, our Church Historian, is looking for all editions of the 2018 The Chimes, our former church newsletter. If you have a personal archive of the former newsletter, please see Phoebe.
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