See the weekly First Things First newsletter for a message from Pastor Angel and more information on upcoming activities.
To submit an announcement for First Things First, please send it to the Pastor via email no later than the Thursday prior to the week you want your announcement made.
Sign up to receive the First Things First newsletter by email each week.
Monday,December 9th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- Helping Hands Monday Meal every Monday at noon. For more info or to volunteer see Kathleen Mirtoni or Eleanor Kenitzer.
Tuesday, December 10th:
-- Lay Leader's Meeting - 11:15 AM Meeting Room
Wednesday, December 11th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- Evening Prayer Service - 6:00 PM Zoom
Thursday, December 12th:
-- Holy Grounds Lectionary Study - 8:00 AM Fig Tree Coffee (217 Vernon St.)
-- Spanish Language Class - 9:30 AM Meeting Room
Friday, December 13th:
-- 'Fun at First Church' Holiday Celebration - 4:00 - 7:00 PM Backman Hall.
Saturday, December 14th:
-- Monthly Recycle Fundraiser - 10:00 - 11:00 AM Parking Lot.
Sunday, December 15th:
-- Worship with Sanctuary Choir - 10:15 AM Sanctuary. Fellowship and Refreshments to follow in Backman Hall.
Zoom meeting login:
Meeting ID ; 908 490 8254 Password: 5zRiqk
"Sock it to 'em" Socks & Jackets Collection: Help us keep our community warm this winter. We are accepting donations of new socks and new/gently used jackets to give out during our Monday Meal.
Holiday Celebration 'Fun at First Church' Community Resources Festival: Friday December 13, 4-7 PM Backman Hall. Join us as we celebrate the season in community! Free resources, music, crafts, tamales dinner, sing along, and even a visit from St. Nick! All are welcome! This event is a partnership of the 'Fun at First Church' Collaborative Initiative.
Christmas Eve Services: Invite your family, friends, neighbors to celebrate the season at Roseville's First Church.
Pastor's Book Club will be on Winter Break thru January. Our next book will be announced in the New Year. Stay tuned!
Inquirers' Class Scheduled for Sunday, January 12: Are you interested in learning more about First Church Roseville and The United Methodist Church? Pastor Angel is organizing a class for those who are curious about who we are as a community and maybe who are discerning formal membership. Please reach out to Pastor Angel if you are interested. Time is TBD.
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