See the weekly First Things First newsletter for a message from Pastor Angel and more information on upcoming activities.
To submit an announcement for First Things First, please send it to the Pastor via email no later than the Thursday prior to the week you want your announcement made.
Sign up to receive the First Things First newsletter by email each week.
Monday, March 24th:
-- Helping Hands Monday Meal every Monday at noon. For more info or to volunteer see Kathleen Mirtoni or Eleanor Kenitzer.
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
Wednesday, March 26th:
-- Church Office Hours - 9:00 AM to Noon
-- Evening Prayer Service - Not Meeting This Week
-- Table Fellowship - 6:00 PM Heritage Chapel
Thursday, March 27th:
-- Holy Grounds Lectionary Study 8:00 AM Fig Tree Coffee. Bring your Bible and join in the conversation! This week's passage is Luke 15:1-3, 11-32.
-- Spanish Language Class - 9:30 AM Meeting Room
Sunday, March 30th, Fourth Sunday in Lent:
-- Worship with Sanctuary Choir - 10:15 AM Sanctuary. Fellowship and Refreshments to follow in Backman Hall.
Zoom meeting login:
Meeting ID ; 908 490 8254 Password: 5zRiqk
Table Fellowship at 6:00 PM, Wednesday March 26: Join us for a liturgical meal that is centered on soup, scripture and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Please note that this week is a dinner service. Next week, April 2, will be a lunch service.
Memorial Service for John Handley: We will honor, remember, and celebrate the life of John on Sunday, April 13 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Community Note - Seniors Needing Help with Rides? If you or someone you know frequently needs to ask someone to drive you to medical appointments, shopping, errands, or other necessary trips, know that Seniors First has a program to reimburse the volunteer who drives you. Call or email Cathie Wierbick for details and application forms.
Alms for The Gathering Inn: In partnership with our siblings at Incarnation Anglican and Bethel Lutheran, we are collecting Alms during the Season of Lent to help our friends at The Gathering Inn acquire a new commercial fridge for their Roseville shelter. They will be collected during Holy Week services or in a special basket on Sundays. Note that pledges or plate offering goes to the general budget or their specified designation. The alms in Lent are a special, secondary offering specifically for The Gathering Inn.
"Sock it to 'em" Socks & Jackets Collection: Help us keep our community warm this winter. We are accepting donations of new socks and new/gently used jackets to give out during our Monday Meal.
Table Fellowship Meals: During Lent we will gather for four liturgical meals with soup, scripture, and communion. Click on Pastor Angel's letter below or on the Events/Lent 2025 webpage for information about this Lenten Practice and schedule.
'A Call for Simplicity' - Pastoral Letter for the Season of Lent: Pastor Angel has sent out a letter that explains the tradition of Lent, the theme for this season, and opportunities for us to grow in our faith in community, including Holy Week, and Easter plans. Click on the button below to read the full letter.
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